Caterpillar C15 (NXS)
Core Charge
A refundable* core deposit of $700.00 is included on all ECMs prices.
For a core charge to be refunded, the core must arrive in good and rebuildable condition. (A rebuildable core is basically any ECM that does not have a burnt spot, short, broken or excessive corrosion on the circuit boards). The core must have the same part number as the original ordered one.
Customers have 15 days from purchase to send in their core for return.
Cores not meeting these criteria can be returned to the customer upon request, at which time another core with matching number can be sent to retrieve core deposit.
Please allow sufficient time for a returned core to reach us and be inspected before calling to check upon your refund. Typically, this can take 2 weeks from when you ship the core back to us.
*No refunds will be issued if the core does not meet the above criteria.